1. Put Your Baby on Your Schedule. Consistency for babies is crucial for them to learn. Learn what times your baby sleeps and eats and include those in your schedule. For example - I am a stay at home mother. My schedule is wake up at 7am - feed and change baby, get a shower, get both of us dressed for the day, and eat my breakfast. That usually takes us an hour and a half. Then we go on a walk at 9am. This is Lizzy's favorite part because she gets to look around outside and when she gets tired she falls asleep while in her kangaroo pouch. I let her have 3 naps throughout the day ending at 5:30pm.
2. Establish a nightly routine. This helps let your baby know that it is time to settle down. Do it in the exact same order every night. Lizzy's night time routine is I feed and change her and give her a bath starting at 8pm so that she can settle down at 9pm. The bath makes her sleepy and makes it easier for her to fall asleep.
3. Turn out all the lights. This helps my daughter fall asleep because it eliminates all the visual stimulation that she gets. We sit in her rocking chair and listen to soft music, like violin or piano sonatas or we listen to books on cd. When she is just about to give way to sleep I put her in her crib with her binkie and leave the book going. She soothes herself the rest of the way to sleep.
4. Feed your baby 30 to 60 minutes before you plan on putting them to sleep. I spoke with my daughters pediatrician and he said that most babies sleep longer if they have a chance to digest a little before they go to sleep.
5. Make sure to burp your baby before putting them down. The gas makes them uncomfortable so they won't sleep very soundly.
Hopefully this helps. Thank you for visiting my blog.
Until Tomorrow Then!
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