Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Who's Who?

Happy Wednesday To Everyone!

So today I thought we would do something fun. A few weeks ago my mother sent me a picture of me when I was a baby and she had me compare my baby picture to that of my daughters picture at the same age. Both of these pictures were taken when she and I were 3 months old. So here is the activity.

Compare both pictures and let me know which one is my daughter and which one is me.

Here are the rules:

1. My closest friends and family can not participate in this game.
2. Email me who you think is who. (Picture 1 is the baby sitting in the boppie, Picture 2 is the baby in the dress.)
3. No collaborating on answers.

Why do this? The first person who guesses correctly will win a box with baby supplies in it. This prize will have diapers, formula, clothes, burp clothes and baby bathroom needs. This will go on for the next 24 HOURS to give everyone a fair chance to see this post. I will announce the winner Thursday April 17th, 2015 at Noon Pacific Standard Time. I will be paying close attention to the time and date stamps on the emails I receive so I know who was right first.

Happy Playing!

Send which picture you think is me and which picture is my daughter to

Until Tomorrow Then!

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